Children & Youth


St. Mary’s celebrates children in our midst. We believe that children are an essential part of the Christian community, and we look for ways to include them fully in every aspect of the church’s life. When a child is baptized, we promise do “do all in our power to support this person in his/her life in Christ” — and we seek to do that by ministering to the child, with the child, and advocating for the child.

At St. Mary’s, there are many ways for kids to learn, participate in worship, work as agents of peace and justice, and have fun.

Windows on Our Faith

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As children grow and mature, so does their curiosity and understanding of their faith. St. Mary’s has developed a unique faith formation series for older children that focuses on our stained glass windows as means to explore the beauty, wonder, and joy of the Christian life. The pictures, images and symbols in our church windows continue to teach, delight, and inspire us across the generations.

Children and Youth in Worship


St. Mary’s is an intergenerational parish. We invite people of all ages to participate in the ministries that feed their soul and which they are able to do.  In worship, children are invited to participate in many ways as soon as they are ready.  To sign up and be trained for any of these, contact Fr. Scott.

  • Lectors — Children and teens who can read clearly and confidently are invited to serve as readers in the worship service.
  • Acolytes — Young people grade five and older can help lead worship by carrying the cross in procession, and assisting the deacon and priest at the altar.
  • Greeters and Ushers — Children and youth may serve on the teams that greet worshipers, distribute bulletins, and help collect offering.
  • Activity Bags — Young children may use an Activity Bag during the worship service. Pictures to color and small toys to play with can help hands keep busy while ears are listening.
  • Designated Play Space — A colorful room depicting stories from the Bible provides a quiet play space for children and is available on the lower level during worship.

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