Videos Worship services Services are livestreamed each Sunday at 9:30 AM. Recordings can be viewed anytime. * Give to St. Mary's at: - Permission to stream the music in this video obtained from One License, License No. M-401631. All rights reserved. 2 0 YouTube Video UEw4RkdyTWhiblFSYWlEQm1uVjRtaHdCZ1lKWEVrMW5Fay44Q0M3MkM5NzExMTIyRDg3 2.16.25 - Sunday Worship * Give to St. Mary's at: - Permission to stream the music in this video obtained from One License, License No. M-401631. All rights reserved. 2 0 YouTube Video UEw4RkdyTWhiblFSYWlEQm1uVjRtaHdCZ1lKWEVrMW5Fay5EQTkxMkVFODRENEJBMERF 2.9.25 - Sunday Worship Selected Sermons and meditations Preacher: Sr. Laurie Joseph Niblick, AF [Anamchara Fellowship] How is God calling us to love and serve others? What gifts have we been given to help bring in the realm of God's gracious and loving acceptance? Sr. Laurie explores how Jesus' earthly mission and our call to serve others intersect. Opening up Luke 4 and I Corinthians 12, we begin to discern our common call to take up a share of the work of bringing light and hope to a world of darkness and despair--longing for the love of Jesus. 1 1 YouTube Video UEw4RkdyTWhiblFSWndtRHp6bm9YWWlTVG9kNndaOG5rWC43QzNCNkZENzIyMDY2MjZB Subscribe Living into God's Mission - Religious Life Sunday