Adult Faith Formation
St. Mary’s offers faith formation opportunities for adults throughout the year. Always prompting lively discussions, these sessions are based on topics suggested by parishioners–sometimes “ripped from the headlines” of current world events. Guest presenters and St. Mary’s clergy periodically present forums that delve deeper into matters of faith, Christian living and our ministry to others.
Second Saturday Study Series
Second Saturday is a monthly study series held annually from October through April. Topics range from the study of Holy Scripture, exploring various forms of Christian spirituality, understanding the history and doctrines of Anglicanism, and our faithful response to contemporary issues and concerns. We welcome all interested persons to attend one or all of our Saturday morning gatherings.
Parish Fellowship
A community-wide Potluck Brunch is hosted on the first Sunday of each month. Guests are invited to join us and there is always plenty of good food, good fun and good fellowship.
Game nights, potluck dinner dances, movie nights, theater outings, ladies’ night out, and even sleigh rides are held year round. St. Mary’s is a great place to work, pray, and celebrate God’s love!
Information about Children’s and Youth Faith Formation is on a separate page.