St. Mary’s Acknowledges First Nations

On November 27, 2022, St. Mary’s made a formal Land Acknowledgement honoring and respecting the Dakotah and Ojibwe peoples upon whose ancestral homelands our church building now stands. The land was formally ceded to the United States in the Dakotah and Ojibwe Treaties of 1837.

You can read more about these treaties here.

Creator, you made all people of every land. It is our responsibility to give thanks and respect to those who first occupied this land we are upon. We give thanks to the Dakotah and Ojibwe nations, the first people of this land. We offer our respect to those ancestors who may be interred in this land. We are also thankful for the gifts of the People of the land. Creator let us be of Good Mind to reconcile the mistreatment of this land and to those who have been displaced. With thankful and respectful hearts, we pray in Your name, Your son the Peacemaker and the Sacred Spirit. Amen.

From All Saint’s Episcopal Mission, Minneapolis

Author: St. Mary's

St. Mary’s is a vibrant, nurturing faith community of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota. Located on the bluffs above Afton State Park, we have proclaimed God’s message of love, hope and inclusion to the people of the Lower St. Croix Valley since 1863.


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