What is Religious Life Sunday?
The General Convention of The Episcopal Church approved resolution 2022-B004, “Foundation of Religious Life Sunday,” to be held each year on the 3rd Sunday of Epiphany. This observance focuses our efforts to tell all Episcopalians and Anglicans about our monastic and Christian Communities and what we offer the church.
Are you longing for spiritual companionship and for resources to help on your spiritual journey? Are you seeking to deepen your relationship with God and to center your life on Christ?
We believe that religious life has something to offer everyone!
As monks and nuns, sisters and brothers in religious life, we are trained and formed by traditions and practices that foster spiritual growth and discernment. The communities that we build among ourselves spill over in love as we offer hospitality to all in Christ’s name. We teach about prayer, lead retreats, give spiritual direction, give guidance in writing and living a rule of life, make presentations about the spiritual journey, and provide spiritual friendship. We are also eager to welcome new members to enter into our life and to carry forward our ministries and traditions.