Topic: Faith
25 August 2024
Preacher: The Rev. Scott Monson, Rector
Topic: Discipleship, Faith, Renewal
Jesus’ teaching in John 6:56-69 is indeed difficult. But his words of spirit and life are a call to us to see and believe that he is truly the Son of the Living God. To be faithful disciples of Jesus, we too must proclaim with Peter, “Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”
23 August 2020
Preacher: The Rev. Scott Monson, Rector
Topic: Faith
God is at work at all times and in all… read more
9 August 2020
Preacher: The Rev. Scott Monson, Rector
Topic: Faith
In the midst of all that is asked of us… read more